
Malicious actors can alter the expected behavior of a neural network in order to respond to data containing certain triggers only known to the attacker, without disrupting model performance when presented with normal inputs. An adversary will commonly force these misclassifications by either performing trigger injection [19] or dataset poisoning [6]. Less popular techniques that operate at hardware level such as manipulating the binary code of a neural network or the tainting the physical circuitry [26, 8] can be equally effective.

Neural Trojans [21] are an increasingly concerning security threat due to the presence of machine learning in critical areas such as driving assistance, medicine, surveillance or access control systems, among others. Despite of the use of analogous terms [5] and the conceptual similarities with their cybersecurity counterparts — both malware implants and neural Trojans carry a hidden logic inserted by an attacker — the similarities end there. However, due the ubiquitous nature of machine learning(ML) components in both hardware and software products, adversarial ML is expected to gradually become part of standard security tests. Either as ad-hoc adversarial analyses [23] or evaluated as part of penetration testing and red team exercises [12].

The most common threat modeling scenario considered here is the compromise of the ML supply chain [15]. Since large neural networks are usually expensive to train, many users rely on pre-trained models which then later fine-tune for a specific task. Likewise, due the large size of some of the datasets involved, model training often relies on third-party pipelines. Once any of these steps is compromised, either the data or the model itself, future iterations of trained or fine-tuned models can carry the Trojan trigger. Derivative works using these tainted resources have also the potential of further spreading the Trojan until detected.

While previous work claims that standard neural Trojans can be relatively straightforward to detect[20], the appearance of practically undetectable backdoors represents a theoretical roadblock to certifying adversarial robustness [14]. Considering the above-mentioned reasons, researchers have developed different defense mechanisms aiming to determine if a model has been Trojaned. This typically involves examining the weights and layers of the network, the response for certain inputs or looking for anomalous connections. However, one of the weaknesses of existing detection approaches is the lack of uniformity: Many are black boxes, providing little guidance about why a model is considered compromised. Some make assumptions about the triggers or data poisoning strategy. And overall, most publicly available implementations to date are model or architecture dependent.

Previous work usually tackled the neural Trojan detection problem at input level [13, 7], dataset level[2, 29] and model level [30, 4, 20, 32]. As discussed above, there are different attack strategies an adversary can follow in order to compromise a neural network model. From a detection perspective, we can assume that attackers have full access to the model and training data. Likewise, the Trojan may target one class or many, using triggers of any shape, size and blending. However, this task considers the detection of Trojaned models as a binary classification problem instead.

A comparable method that also makes use of a set of clean and Trojaned networks is Meta Neural Trojaned model Detection (MNTD) [32] that fits a detection meta-classifier via jumbo learning. Other state-of-the-art approaches such as Artificial Brain Stimulation (ABS) [30], TABOR [16], DeepInspect (DI) [3] and Neural Cleanse (NC) [31] focus not only on detection but also on reversing the actual Trojan triggers. These methods have been evaluated recurrently in the literature. However, considering that most defenses can be evaded by adaptive attacks [25], previous assessments may not be representative of the current attack landscape.

The Trojan Detection challenge at NeurIPS 2022 (TDC) aimed to bridge the above-mentioned gap and invited researchers to detect and analyze Trojan attacks on deep neural networks that are purposely designed to be difficult to detect. In order to measure the actual difficulty of these attacks, different tracks were proposed with a focus on Trojan detection, analysis and evasion for a given dataset of Trojaned and clean networks spanning multiple data sources [22].


The training dataset of the detection track was relatively small, so it was clear that to solve the task and improve over the state-of-the-art either a powerful meta-model or a careful feature engineering strategy would be required. Even though I won’t be sharing the details of my solution, it is worth mentioning that for some models feature engineering alone could separate both clean and Trojaned classes to a large extent without resorting to meta-modeling techniques or even using the original training images:

The example plots below illustrate how the approaches (a, b, c) can effectively separate the 2 proposed classes at the Trojan defense track for both CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 models. A similar strategy would be equally successful for GTSRB and MNIST based models, although with lower accuracy.


Backdoors introduced into ML models are a roadblock towards trustable AI and pose a significant risk to the machine learning supply chain. The TDC challenge 2022 hosted at NeurIPS, focused on defending image classification models against different attack scenarios which were purposely made hard to detect. My submission to TDC obtained a substantial improvement over existing state-of-the-art with a 43% higher AUC than MNTD, which was the best baseline provided by the task organizers.


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